Our organization Lotus Fine Arts Production aka Lotus Music & Dance is an arts organization that provides programs for students, student activity groups and collaboration with departments and the teachers. We are unique in offering multicultural programs that educate about a wide variety of traditional performing arts. Some and or all of our traditions can be linked to departmental studies (i.e.: Theatre Department, World Dance Department, Religious Studies Department, Science Department, Literature Department, etc.)

Not only can our professional performing master artists share creative movement skills, they also serve as a living resource to educate the students about the history, lifestyles, literature, language, etc. of the various cultures they represent.  We hope you will consider inviting one or more Lotus artists to your school for an enriching and enjoyable experience for your students.

Lotus Music and Dance Studios was established in 1989 to preserve and to promote understanding and appreciation of world music and dance traditions, through performance and hands on dance and music classes. The organization features some of the nation's leading professional performers of traditional dance and music from Asia, Southeast Asia, Pasifica, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Students of all ages and heritage participate in programs that show how history, geography and storytelling, etc. connect the diverse cultures that reflect today's multicultural communities.

For booking & further information please contact: Loretta Plama at 212-627-1076 x15 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click here to view our current Arts In Education brochure (pdf)


Arts and Education

Artist, Julia Kulakova,
Persian Dance

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Native American Almanac

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Drums Along the Hudson 2024

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Lotus Music & Dance

Promotional Video

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